2020년 3월 22일 EM 예배 안내

2020.03.20 15:07

lfkpc 조회 수:55

안녕하세요~ 이번 주일 EM예배는 온라인으로 드릴예정입니다.


1. 11시: Youtube 링크로 공유한 찬양 3곡 개인적으로 찬양 (HiC는 그룹 카카오로, C&C는 그룹 facebook으로 같이 시작함을 알림)
2. 11시20분: 공동 기도 (저희 prayer concert하는 slide들을 박현준 목사님께 드려서 온라인으로 목사님께서 읽어주시고 인도함)
3. 11시25분: 일단 라이브로 온라인 설교 해볼생각입니다. 이번 주일에 봐서, 계속 라이브로 할건지 아니면 미리 녹음할것인지 결정하겠습니다.
4. 11시55분: 축도
5. 광고는 저희가 youtube으로 channel 만들어서 주중에도 계속 update하는걸로 하겠습니다.

다들 건강챙기시고, 주님안에서 평화를 찾기를 기도하겠습니다! 감사합니다!


Shalom friends! We hope you are taking this time to find rest and peace in our Lord! Starting this Sunday, we will move our worship service online in hopes to help our communities combat COVID19 more efficiently. Please see below for our worship


service timeline.

10:50AM: 3 Youtube links to the weekly praise set will be shared beforehand. Please have them ready
We will notify everyone to start at the same time (HiC through group Kakao Chat and C&C through Facebook group chat). 
11AM: Worship service starts. Please sing the 3 praises in the order shared.
11:20AM: Prayer concert through our Zoom platform will begin. Please make sure you join before worship service begins or that you are able to join at the right time.
11:25AM: Sermon by Pastor John Park on Zoom platform.
11:55AM: Benediction


1. Links to the Zoom platform for service as well as links to Youtube Praise Sets links will be sent at least a day before Sunday for everyone to join. You simply need to have access to a computer, speakers/headphones, and a secure internet connection.
2. Although we may be at home, please treat this online service as you would a service any other time. This means finding a quiet and proper location to worship, dressing appropriate even if no one will be seeing you, removing any and all distractions that may interrupt your worship time. People may not know what you are doing, but God sees.
3. We will post weekly announcements and any updates through our youtube channel. The link will be shared with you shortly as well.
4. Please keep healthy and practice safe hygeine everyone! The more intensely we stay put, the faster this will be under control!